Data Exchange



Software Development



IBPSA-IRAN has five main committees with clearly defined activities and focus points. The committees offer members the opportunities to:

  • Participate in building performance simulation projects
  • Exchange information with other members in the field of building science
  • and Disseminate principles of sustainability in the Architectural Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry through Building Performance Simulation (BPS) and filling the gap across academia and industry

Thus, all committee meetings are open and every member is encouraged to participate in them.

Education Committee

The education committee is concerned with supporting the development of the market for the building performance simulation industry through educating workforce in the related field, providing solutions, and supervising the members of the committees. Therefore, its main objectives are to:

  • Increase awareness of building simulation for students in related university courses;
  • Increase quality of dedicated university building simulation courses;
  • Support career development for IBPSA-IRAN members;
  • and Inform consumers about the benefits of using simulation services.

Building Data Exchange Committee

The Building Data Exchange Committee (BDEC) provides an information-sharing platform on building characteristics and performance. It contains the building efficiency measures and data sets that are intended to be exchanged in simulation and programming tools and activities to assist stakeholders and designers make efficient design decisions and implement efficiency policies. This committee aims to:

  • Develop an interactive forum to support building data exchange for the design, analysis, and building operational performance of future developments;
  • Organize webinars to showcase the data models and their applications in real-world practices for both universities and industry stakeholders;
  • and Solicit feedback from end-users, software developers, researchers, and practitioners.

Communication Committee

The communications committee is responsible for developing and maintaining all public-facing materials such as the IBPSA-IRAN website, social media, and so on. Committee aims to:

  • Update the IBPSA-IRAN website with events, news, and technical resources;
  • Make IBPSA-IRAN website the first place to go for technical resources;
  • Organize and support IBPSA-IRAN members and sponsors;
  • Support international communication with IBPSA and other affiliates;

Software Development Committee

The software Development Committee leads the development of physic-based, data-driven and hybrid modeling and simulation software tools to predict and analyze building performance. This committees aims to:

  • Identify and move toward the next generation of building performance simulation and analysis tools;
  • Develop and integrate building performance simulation and analysis tools to support new research and innovation in building science;
  • Develop simple simulation tools to be accessible for all users;
  • and Integrate national standards and building codes into current simulation software.

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